Casing Spacers Isolators

From Casing Spacers/casing Isolators for critical energy industry applications to  casing spacers designed especially for water and sewer cased pipelines, IKSONIC Co.,LTD provides quality Casing Spacers/Isolators with exceptional performance and reliability.


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    Casing Spacers / Isolators

    IKSONIC delivers a safe, clean and cost- effective solution for water, sewer and energy pipelines. Insulators made of high density polyethylene is widely used in the pipe installation duct in the casing when run.

    For this application the comprehensive range of plastic insulator offers many advantages, such as
    Low friction coefficient allows its contents easily slide the sleeve;
    Flexibility of the material to avoid damage to the protective coating and pipe insulation for the Casing Plastic Isolators;
    Due to the wide range of anti-skid height of 5/8 “(16mm) with 39/16(90 mm) concentrically supported within the housing of the delivery tube
    – Excellent electrical properties of the material to meet the requirements of cathodic protection.
    IKSONIC plastic insulation for all pipe sizes and a variety of non-slip height of all pipe materials, such as steel, cast iron, clay, asbestos cement, concrete or plastic pipes.
    These products
    Casing Spacers Isolators are almost resistant to corrosion, and provides electrical short circuit may occur between the insulating protection from the delivery pipe and casing.

    IKSONIC is the professional manufacturer of Casing Spacers, and our products have good quality and reasonable prices. If you need to purchase Casing Spacers Isolators, please contact us for more information.